Bwin sports bettingRecruiting at Valero

We are more than grades and a degree at Valero. Our best candidates are graduates and professionals who work well on a team. Who want to bring their best to work each day and advance the future of energy. Who embody Valero’s core values.

Valero Recruiting Process Infographic

Valero Looks For Candidates With Education and Experience in the Following Areas:

Engineering Icon


  • Chemical Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Safety Engineering
Information Systems Icon

Information Services

  • Computer Science
  • Management Information Services
  • Bwin SlotsRelated Majors

Accounting Icon


  • Accounting
Marketing & Supply Icon

Commercial Supply & Trading

  • Finance
  • Energy Management
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Industrial Engineering
  • Industrial Distribution
  • Bwin SlotsRelated Majors

Other Business Icon

Other Business Areas

  • Finance
  • Communications/Public Relations
  • Human Resources
  • Law


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