Get Started as a Branded Valero Business Partner

Forms that new business customers need to fill out and return to Valero. Please check to see if any of these forms apply. You may also want to read our General Terms and Conditions (below).

Credit Application (US and Canada)

Valero must review and approve your credit application for your company to buy products using a purchase order.

Credit Application (Ireland)

Valero must review and approve your credit application for your company to buy products using a purchase order. 

Credit Application (U.K.)

Valero must review and approve your credit application for your company to buy products using a purchase order. 

IRS Form W-9

This form is for Valero’s files only and will not be submitted to the IRS.

IRS Form W-13

This form to be used for disregarded entities only (along with W-9 form). Please direct any questions concerning the W-13 to Bwin SlotsValero’s tax group at (210) 345-2000 or

New Customer Data Sheet

Complete all areas of this form and be sure to indicate how you would like to receive your invoices. Remember to designate your carrier.

Electronic Funds Transfer

If you purchase gasoline, diesel or related products, you must do so by electronic funds transfer. Please fill out an Electronic Funds Transfer Form.

Carrier Access Agreement

2014 General Terms and Conditions (Product)

Federal and State Exemption Forms

Federal and state tax exemption forms apply in certain circumstances and in various states. Please check to see if any of these forms apply.  Please provide all motor fuel and sales or tax exemption forms to

Federal Taxable Fuel Registrant

Use this form if you will be purchasing taxable fuel in bulk. A Federal Registration number containing the letter "S" is required. Also known as a 637 registration.

Blendstock Certificate

Use this form if you ​will be purchasing blend stocks that will not be used to produce finished gasoline. Bwin Best Online Betting SiteYou will agree not to claim a credit or refund from the IRS for any gasoline blend stocks covered by this certificate (annual renewal).

​Federal Excise Exemption for Nonprofit Education Organization

Use this form if you are an end-user who will purchase gasoline and/or diesel for the exclusive use of a nonprofit educational organization (annual renewal).

Federal Excise Exemption for State or Local Government

Use this form if you Are an end-user who will purchase gasoline and/or diesel for the exclusive use of a state or local government (annual renewal).

Federal Kerosene for Commercial Aviation or Nontaxable Use

Use this form if you ​plan to purchase kerosene for use as a fuel in an aircraft. Certificate must include customer's Federal Registration number containing a "Y," an "S" or both (annual renewal).

Uniform Sales & Tax Certificate - Multi-jurisdiction

Use this form if you ​hold permits to be exempted from sales tax in various states.

Streamlined Sales Tax Certificate of Exemption

​Indiana General Sales Tax Exemption

Use this form if you ​hold permits to be exempted from sales tax in Indiana.

Indiana Sales Tax Exemption ST105

Use this form if you ​hold permits to be exempted from sales tax in Indiana.

Kentucky Resale Certificate

Use this form if you ​hold a sales and use tax permit in Kentucky.

​New Jersey Sales Tax Bwin SlotsForm ST-3 (in state vendor)

Use this form if you ​hold permits to be exempted from sales tax in New Jersey.

New Jersey Sales Tax Form ST-3NR (out of state vendor)

Use this form if you ​hold permits to be exempted from sales tax in New Jersey.

New York Exempt Use Certificate ST- 121

Use this form if you hold permits to be exempted from sales tax in New York.

New York Resale Certificate ST-120

Use this form if you hold permits to be exempted from sales tax in New York.

​​Pennsylvania Exemption Certificate

Use this form if you hold permits to be exempted from sales tax in Pennsylvania.